Sunday, March 12, 2017


We have been learning about seasons and weather!  My daughter told me about a cloud experiment she did in 2nd grade involving shaving cream and blue food coloring. Hmm...shaving cream?  Food coloring?  This sounded interesting!  When you add the enough food coloring (rain), gravity takes over and you have rain coming through your clouds!  How cool is that?

Well, as it turned out, I found many pictures online, but not many recording sheets in the "science experiment" format that I like to use.  As a kindergarten teacher, I take pride in providing a foundation for the upper-grade levels, so using the scientific method format is a must!  I decided to make my own product, since I'm sort of a perfectionist (a.k.a. anal-retentive).  :)

Directions and a materials list are included in case you've never done this before.  The pages are differentiated so you can use them to match the needs of your kiddos!  Have fun!!

Materials and Directions:

Here's a preview of the recording sheets:

To get this:

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