Sunday, December 27, 2015

Nonstandard Measurement - Using a Balance Scale

I made these pages to give students more practice with balance scales using everyday objects. Enjoy!!
nonstandard measurement

To get:

Friday, December 25, 2015

Sequencing Pictures

If you're looking for simple sequencing activities, try this! For some reason, some students just have a hard time learning how to sequence pictures. I always encourage students to talk aloud and describe every detail they see in pictures to help with this process. So, when your students clam up and don't want to speak (does this actually happen??), remind them by saying, "Tell me a story about these pictures." Oral responses are the key!

To get:

A Bundle of Blends!

Here is a sweet little bundle of joy for those of you who like immediate gratification.  LOL!
Included are all three of my blend products.

To preview and/or purchase:

Short Vowel CLIP GAMES!!

I recently added this bundle to TPT. There's nothing worse than bla-bla-boring looking games! Hopefully, your visual learner will gobble this up (not literally, I hope!). Enjoy!

To get these goodies: